The chairman of the Council of Leaders of the Youth Union was elected in the AK “Matbuot tarkatuvchi”

September 25, 2017 in AK “Matbuot tarkatuvchi” held a meeting on the election of the chairman of the Council of the Union of Youth of the Company. Activists of the councils of the Youth Union, working for AK “Matbuot tarkatuvchi”, 1 deputy of the Yunusabad Council of the Youth Union participated in it.

   September 25, 2017 in AK “Matbuot tarkatuvchi” held a meeting on the election of the chairman of the Council of the Union of Youth of the Company. Activists of the councils of the Youth Union, working for AK “Matbuot tarkatuvchi”, 1 deputy of the Yunusabad Council of the Youth Union participated in it.
   Young people are the backbone of the country, the nation. Education of young people on the basis of this idea is one of the important tasks, imbibing young people with the feeling of love and loyalty to the Motherland, educating them as a person who will faithfully fight for the honor of the nation, the country. In the decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan “On measures to increase the efficiency of the state youth policy and support of the activities of the Youth Union of Uzbekistan”, it was also especially noted about the need to pay attention to creating broad conditions for finding one's place in life, realizing the talent and potential of youth, in remote areas, youth employment entrepreneurial activity, fencing it from various negative phenomena and alien ideas. Along with this, it is stressed about the increase of youth activity in the process of reforms within the framework of the Strategy of Action on the five priority development directions of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
   These meetings were discussed at the meeting. The agenda of the meeting included such key issues as the approval of the Regulation On the Council of Leaders coordinating the activities of the primary organization of the Youth Union of AK “Matbuot tarkatuvchi” and the election of the chairman of the Council of the Union of Youth. Head of the Information Technology Service of the Company Dilshod Kamolov was elected Chairman of the Council of Leaders.
   During the event, suggestions and recommendations were made on the systemic organization of the work of the organization, addressing the problems of exhilarating youth in cooperation with relevant organizations.
   Also, proposals were made to increase the activity of business leaders in working with youth, to strengthen the activities of primary organizations in institutions, to material and moral stimulation of work, to hold various competitions, to attract workers and employees to the sport.

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